
Converting a SQL Server 2005 database to accept Russian characters/Multilingual characters

March 30th, 2011    •  by Dave    •   3 Comments »

On one of my recent contracts I was required to convert an existing SQL Server 2005 database to accept Russian Characters.  I did some investigating and came up with the following for anybody facing a similar problem, needing to allow forgeign characters into their database system. The collation on the database must be set to […]...

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Pixel and Pints, and DemoCamp Calgary

October 14th, 2010    •  by Dave    •   No Comments »

I attended an interesting meeting with my sister suggested I attend.  She has a web developer friend named Tony Grimes and he hosts an event called Pixel and Pints, which is a gathering of web developers, designers, artists or anybody really in the technology industry over a couple brews of beer.  It’s very casual and […]...

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September 28th, 2010    •  by Dave    •   No Comments »

After finally tweaking and changing things around a few times, is now LIVE!  As an artist she now has full control of her portfolio site and is easily able to make updates through the admin panel.  Please note some of her latest works from Berlin, Germany where she is currently residing.  Her art statement […]...

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